Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Money Money Money

Right now I have three-hundred and seventy six dollars and ninety-eight cents in my bank account. In my 'NetSaver' account I also have two cents, which I feel is a good buffer to maintain, but in ten days rent is due again, so I need to stop buying things.

In unrelated news though, walked into a dope little store on Brunswick St today; me and Richie had just SMASHED OUT A GYM SESH (oh god, I still can't say it without some degree of ironic self-parody, but I'll get there) and were walking back towards the Workers when Richie wandered into a shop. The guy at the counter was a huge chiller and we started talking about the day and anything. I picked up a Vice and put that in my bag for later – I just read it actually, there was some sick story about a reported who went to El Salvador to investigate the gang culture over there and ended up being the catalyst for a huge incident with the police force and local media because he was the first reporter to be allowed into the prison in ten years. That's neither here nor there though... we walked into the store and chatted to the guy for a while, Richie tried on some New Balance shoes that were pretty nice, and I found a tan shirt with these funky Mexican-style patterns on the pocket and cuffs, so I bought that for $39...

Fuck, wait, okay so right now I'm about to go to the Monet exhibition with Luka which I'm pretty excited about. It closes tomorrow, and I've literally been meaning to go since it fucking opened in like July, when I used to see the advertisements on the side of trams as I was giving my tours. I can't believe I don't give tours anymore, that's crazy to me, that was such a fucking cool job man, and I never did get around to executing my plan of putting my details on a business card and handing it out after every tour. That would've been a phenomenal tool for global networking... but now tours are done. So anyway, we're going to Monet, it's going to be great, I don't know quite what to expect as I've never been to an exhibition like this before but Phil went with Todd a few months ago and when I talked to him today he said, “don't take mushrooms.” So I guess I won't take mushrooms. I just looked online and it costs $26...

Ugh, okay so tonight I might be going out to Ferdydurke for a bit tonight for Richie's birthday, and also just to hang out with the boys. I might be doing something else but if that plan falls through then to the club it is, although I hope my other plans don't fall through, because Ferdy will no doubt entail expenditure of coin, which is kind of the theme of this blog post. I don't want to spend money. Why does everything I do fucking cost money? Why does EVERYTHING period. Fucking Cost Money? Ugh. Sigh. Groan. Self-inflicted anguish.

I looked through some more applications for medical testing today, but I can't reconcile myself with shifting gigs I've already booked just to stay in hospital for a relatively short (two day) trial that would only make me a thousand dollars or so anyway. I'm just getting impatient, really. Hurry up money, when will you cease to be a burden to me and my otherwise idyllic life. Go away, I want to be free for once.

Peace, Taco.

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