Friday, September 13, 2013

Dream 002

 I just woke up from a dream that there was a giant storm that was going to be ravaging the world – the whole world – at some particular time, and so everyone had to go inside and weather it out, and it just so happened that in the ten minutes that the storm was happening (it was a dream, OKAY!) I was going to be MCing at Station 59. So the storm was forecast, and on TV there were images of buildings having already collapsed – for some reason I remember Ross from 'Friends' having had a bet with one of his architect friends about which buildings would stand and which would crumble... that sucks that in my dreams I watch friends.

I was on the tram just before the thing hit, and I was about to get off, but I left my jacket on the tram so I had to go back on, but then by the time I went back and got my jacket I couldn't get off he tram again, because the storm was about to start and no one was allowed to go outside. This part is confusing, because I remember being trapped inside the tram with everyone, but I also remember being in Station 59 MCing a show. During the actual storm I wasn't on stage, my friend Sean McGuiness was on stage. He doesn't do standup, but I've always said he has the kind of brain that spits out thoughts in ready-made jokes and would be perfect for it anyway – unconscious thoughts manifesting them in mid-cyclone comedy sets there.

As the storm hit and Sean did a set about how most people hadn't heard the real story behind why I have the nickname 'Taco', I watched out one of the windows in Station (as did the rest of the audience, Sean's set wasn't going great, although I seem to remember defending him against detractors and saying that actually I really do like his style of dark comedy) we saw the whole world moving by us in the wind like we were stationary and everything else was on one huge conveyor belt. There was no danger or effects inside, other than that the piece of paper that held my set list almost blew away so I had to rest a book on it and it was fine. Come on, 'My Dreams'... unrealistic.

I remember then that the wind stopped. I wanted to go on stage after Sean's set and make a quip about how actually, I do have material about how I got the nickname, 'Taco', and everyone has heard it. That's weird, because in real life, I definitely do NOT do material like that, for reasons I will not go into here. Also I remember the guy that was on next wouldn't tell me his name, and was dismissive of my comedic skills, he told me some stupid ten-word name and I was like, “you're a moron, no one's listening anyway, why are you unpacking some ridiculous tarpaulin to do comedy, you suck, shut up, you're goofy-looking”.

The last thing in my dream was everyone lining up along a rope for a picture; the rope was being held tight by someone out of frame and we were all holding onto it with our teeth to simulate being blown away, but our bodies were all facing the wrong way, and our hair was hanging down making it clear we weren't actually being blown to anywhere other than collective shame. I suggested we use a fan to simulate the correct hair position, and we all took a photo with the subtext, “I survived the Windy Storm Thingo”. Then I woke up.

Peace, Taco.

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