Sunday, September 22, 2013

Day to Day

I need to re-write my show. On Monday last week when I did it at Situation it didn't really work very well, especially the second half, and it needs way more jokes to be something that people will WANT to sit through and pay attention to. It felt like the narrative was the only thing directing the thing, but it didn't have any real ebb and flow, I could feel the story just plodding on and on and on and on, like the incessant “and then... and then... and then...” of someone whose stories fucking SUCK. I am not that person in real life, I need to work hard to not become that person on stage though. Half an hour – later it's going to be fifty minutes – is a long time to fill.

I figure if I can get the narrative to some sort of workable point tonight in the two shows I have, then I'll have something substantial to play around with. It's a bit frustrating that the MC Lion shows are only realistically twenty minutes, so I'll have to speed things up, but I have a good idea for something to do at the end of the third act to replace the awkward wandering around the 'park' that I did in the first show that never really went anywhere. If I make it uncomfortable like I did last week, and then just call that, saying that I felt uncomfortable, “much like this is right now”, that should get enough of a laugh to get me out of the act-out. Then I wrote a little bit about wandering around aimlessly looking like a young paedophile, and why do you never seen twenty-something paedophiles? Etc. Etc

I meditated today, after having a chat with Tom from Meatballs – a restaurant I clean Monday, Thursday, and Friday – and him saying that the probable reason for my inability to concentrate whilst reading some books is my mind being clouded. It does make complete sense. I often find my thoughts wandering and have trouble following a passage of text when I'm reading the words. I can't keep my brain on track. It's hard to focus. I need to train myself to have discipline, but that's something that needs to happen over time, it's not just something that I can just push myself back to in the moment, because if I'm thinking about concentrating, then I'm still not really concentrating on the book itself, and the whole process of reading becomes an exercise in concentration, rather than me reading a nice book about heroin and homosexual orgies (I'm reading Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs at the moment, it's pretty intense).

I didn't write anything in here yesterday, which is annoying, but I was super-hungover... I'm going to have to make myself write something else tonight to catch up, and also I missed a the Sunday previous as well. Sigh, this daily blog is hard to maintain. Richard Herring, how DO you do it?

Peace, Taco.

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