Thursday, August 15, 2013

Reflections on the Random Encounter

So at the gig on Wednesday I got chatting to fellow comic Brendan Maloney's girlfriend whose name I have dutifully forgotten and is conspicuously absent from his facebook 'about'. Shitballs. She was talking about how they live in Richmond (way close to us, actually) and we started sharing stories of the daily filth that is 3121, and so naturally, I had to share my Smackhead Door-Knocker' story from the other day. (See here)

As soon as I had finished my story she told me a similar story of how her house had been almost broken into: she was lying in bed and heard the door knock vigorously and at volume, for a few minutes, but couldn't be fucked getting up to answer, so she stayed put. They live with six other people but no one else was home, so the door stayed unanswered. Rather than being left to return to comfy bed-ridden silence though, she was startled by the figure of a Richmond Regular scaling the outside of her house and attempting to break in. To BREAK IN!! No less. Which means that the knock at the door was just an attempt to see if anyone was home – they were casing the joint. That's what they were doing at my house too... that guy with the heroin eyeballs could have just been putting the whole thing on... holy fuck... holy jesus... holy fuckjesus. Wow.

So that scared me... a lot.. and made me think about the security of our house and the shit inside it. I mean, I'm not going anywhere, (fuck that, we only just resolved our neighbour issues, we're staying put for the long haul in here mo'fukkas) but it's crazy to think not that there are people in our area who are out to do that kind of stuff – that I can reconcile myself with pretty easily. The wild fact that made me jump was the realization that I had ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE of picking someone who was looking to rob our fucking house. I don't know, I just thought I had better instincts than that. The guy looked so absolutely pinned, I had no qualms about dismissing the mad incident on Saturday as just a random act of some lost junkie. He could have, and now that I think about it, probably was, putting most of the act on.

Brutal times and harsh realizations here today, friends. Sometimes we're just not as clued in with the world as we think we are. That's something that's rather hard to admit for me, and even from here, I think I'd rather cast the situation in the light of 'lessons learned' rather than 'ignorance exposed'.

There's a war going on outside.

Peace, Taco.

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