Friday, October 4, 2013

Last Day in GC

Last day of the Gold Coast and things have worked out pretty damn well. I've got myself a pretty decent tan after a week in the sun, and managed to stick to my $200 budget which really is a pretty fucking extraordinary budget considering I've had a drink every night and not cooked a single meal. I've made some great new friends and possibly hooked up a new avenue for on-again-off-again employment at Rockstar Promotions. I've hung out with some mates from back in Melbourne and made some great connections. And finally, this afternoon, I got the number of a cute little honey from the rugby... I doubt that will go anywhere, but I got the number didn't I? Yes. Yes I did.

I had a really good hang last night with Richie, who has been staying in GC for the last few weeks relaxing and getting into a positive headspace; we talked about life, and or goals, and who we were, and we drank beers on the balcony of the place he's staying at. When he gets back to Melbourne on Wednesday he's going to be working in a new place, and looking hard hard hard to find a place with Brodie's girl, Jana, and the one and only forever-absent Loose Phil. North Melbourne.

Right now I'm sitting on the floor of the lounge room in our hotel listening to old Kanye and drinking a bottle of James Squire's Fifty Lashes, today was a great day, and I have a feeling that even though tonight probably won't turn into a huge crew-fest, something good is going to happen.

I'm way too distracted to write this now, but rest assured friends, this week was a great one, and when I get a second tomorrow, after I buy my return plane ticket to Europe for next year, I'll jump on and write something great about the last week's non-events, which because of their lack of real memorableness are entirely memorable as a whole of themselves. Huzzah, holidays. Achievement of the week: figuring out how to do nothing.

Peace, Taco.

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