Friday, October 25, 2013

Fights at Fishface

My parents are in town today... well, they're not in town yet, they're still waiting for their plane in Adelaide Airport apparently, but they're coming to town today, which is to be, according to all reasonable expectation, lovely.

Today I'm planning to catch up with Fleety for a beer (and hopefully to get the cash that I lent him yesterday back, although let's not go wild with expectation just yet haha), then meeting Mum and Dad at five or so for early dinner at Meatballs in town, and then catching a show at the Butterfly Club at 7. I've checked their lineup, and I think this cabaret show at 7 looks like it'd be a bit more broad in appeal than the show at 9. I can't remember what the 9 one was, and I don't really know what the 7 one is, but that's just the feeling I have, so I'm going with that.

Honestly I wouldn't mind going to Les Miserables, which I believe has started at Her Majesty's Theatre, but I doubt Dad would be too into that, plus it's probably a super-long show, and expensive too. I need to get out to see more theatre though. Tonight is going to be cool.

Last night at Fishface I had a great time struggling through an interaction with this chick in the crowd who was sitting at a table that did NOT want to be talked to, or it seemed to pay any sort of attention to the show whatsoever. They weren't being rude really, but they weren't watching, and in a small room like that, if I'm comfortable on stage, which I am down there, I'm going to try and bring them into the show. I like it when everyone is paying attention.

I was doing all new, so I opened up with what I had intended, and then said something to her and managed to get her to look at me and engage for the amount of time that I was directing my words at her specifically, but as soon as I started addressing the crowd again, she turned back around and continued talking in hushed tones to her three friends. After my next two bits I asked her whether she thought I was going well (I was going okay, maybe a 6-7 out of 10), and said something like “I want to yell at you, but I feel like I've used up our interaction credits and if I do something bad will happen.”
To which she responded, “yeah.”
Audience “ooooohs” – I was excited at this point and I launched into some random chatter with her, poking fun at how seriously she seemed to be taking herself. I ended up going into a routine about having never been in a fight to close out the show, and walked off feeling good and having made everyone except her and maybe the other people at her table (I couldn't see) laugh.

So I was pretty happy with that set... when I listened back though and reflected, it occurred to me that the only reason I was able to do what I did with her was that the rest of the room was already on my side, and the reason they were already on my side is because about seventy percent of that room was comic-friends of mine, and regulars who see me perform every fortnight and know me and my style. If that had happened in a club situation and I wasn't fully in control of the room I wouldn't have been able to react the way I did to that girl's distant aggression, it's just lucky that they were on my side, because my reaction was completely natural and in no way planned for or rehearsed. Maybe if I had been in a different position in terms of the crowd liking me I would have reacted differently, but I should probably reflect a little more and think about what happened and how I could have reacted differently so that if (let's be honest, when) it does happen again, I have other options, and don't lose the room.

I still haven't had a shower yet today, I should probably do that. Mums know when you don't wash, at least, that's what I'm led to believe. Maybe I should run the gauntlet and test this little theory. It is a nice day for science... well, I'll leave it with you guys to decide what you think I actually did. Happy Weekend, friends.

Peace, Taco.

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